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「Online Payment Service Provider」 means the provider of the online payment gateway. (eg. VISA, MASTER, PAYPAL)

Any Customer who elects to make payments for Finger Box Limited services by credit card online will be asked by the Online Payment Service Provider to furnish his/her personal information, including credit card number, expiry date and payment amount, etc. Finger Box Limited has no access to, and has no record of, any of such information which is transmitted electronically and directly to the Online Payment Service Provider. Finger Box Limited does not warrant the confidentiality or security of such information, whether personal or otherwise, when it is transmitted to the Online Payment Service Provider (although Finger Box Limited will take reasonable steps to maintain confidentiality and security). Finger Box Limited shall under no circumstances be liable whether in contract, tort, statute or otherwise for any special, direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage which is suffered, sustained or incurred by the Customer arising (directly or indirectly) from or out of or relating to payments by credit card online.